Frederic Green
Senior Research Scientist
Department of Mathematics and Computer
Clark University
Worcester, MA
Phone: 508-793-7410
Email: fgreen at clarku dot edu.
- Fields of Interest: Theory of Computation, Circuit Complexity, Computational
Complexity, Quantum Computation, Theoretical and Computational Physics
- Publications.
Recent ones available on-line, older ones (mostly) available off-line
at above address.
- My profiles at and
- Other Research links:
SIGACT Book Reviews
- For 2015--2022 I was the Book Review Editor of SIGACT News, taking up where the previous editor Bill Gasarch left off.
- As of January 2023, Nicholas Tran took over the position. For more information, check out
his website, and contact him if you are interested in a reviewing a book!
- Columns beginning with Bill's last one can be found
and all of Bill's are here.
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